Come visit us! Visit our new showroom

Keurenplein 5


Opening hours

Mon to Fri: 9am - 5pm

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Frequently asked Questions

Which products does APS have in its range?

APS has a wide range of glassware, barware, tabletop and kitchen materials from brands such as ONIS, Royal Leerdam, RCR, Luigi Bormioli, La Rochère, Churchill, Dudson, AMEFA and many more!

What are the delivery times of the APS products?

This varies per product and can (usually) be found in the product information. If products are in stock in Amsterdam, please take into account a delivery time of 1 to 4 working days. For urgent delivery, please contact the office at 020-4635016 or

Can I try APS products in Amsterdam?

Which can! Grab a glass from the APS Showroom and make your favorite cocktail in our APS Bar. Book the bar free of charge and let us know what your wishes are. Experience for yourself which glassware and bar supplies are most suitable for your bar. You can of course view other products such as tabletop and kitchen materials in the showroom.

What are the opening hours of the APS Showroom?

You are welcome from Monday to Friday from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm. You can make an appointment in advance, but you can also visit us spontaneously. Pleasant!

Does APS also have storage & distribution options?

Of course! In addition to Bar & Showroom, APS also has Storage & Distribution. Are you looking for a partner that provides storage and distribution for products? Contact our colleague Col at and discuss the possibilities.

Can I easily park at the APS showroom?

Yes, that's possible! There are sufficient parking spaces in the area. Parking is currently free. Keep an eye on it because things could suddenly change in Amsterdam ;-).

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