Onze vleesbakken zijn speciaal ontworpen voor horecagelegenheden die dagelijks grote hoeveelheden vlees moeten bereiden en bakken. Of je nu een restaurant, hotel of cateringbedrijf runt, deze bakken zijn ideaal voor het efficiënt bakken, braden of bewaren van vlees. Gemaakt van duurzame materialen zoals roestvrij staal en aluminium, zijn ze bestand tegen intensief gebruik en bieden ze uitstekende warmtegeleiding voor een gelijkmatige bereiding van vleesgerechten.
Hendi Stainless steel meat container 260x200x48 mm 1/box
Stainless steel meat container 260x200x48 mm 1/box
Hendi Meat container black melamine280x210x60 mm Waca 1426 1/box
Meat container black melamine280x210x60 mm Waca 1426 1/box
Hendi Meat container black melamine300x190x80 mm Waca 1452 1/box
Meat container black melamine300x190x80 mm Waca 1452 1/box
Hendi Meat container black melamine290x160x60 mm Waca 1450 1/box
Meat container black melamine290x160x60 mm Waca 1450 1/box
Hendi Meat container black melamine420x280x60 mm Waca 1406 1/box
Meat container black melamine420x280x60 mm Waca 1406 1/box
Hendi Meat container black melamine350x250x40 mm Waca 1404 1/box
Meat container black melamine350x250x40 mm Waca 1404 1/box
Hendi Meat container black melamine290x160x35 mm Waca 1402 1/box
Meat container black melamine290x160x35 mm Waca 1402 1/box
Hendi Stainless steel meat container 310x240x48 mm 1/box
Stainless steel meat container 310x240x48 mm 1/box
EMGA Residual container Kun pc.10 litres540*385*80 mm
Residual container Kun pc.10 litres540*385*80 mm
EMGA Residual container Art. 5 litres435*285*80 mm
Residual container Art. 5 litres435*285*80 mm
EMGA Meat container Plastic White 12 Lit.
Meat container Plastic White 12 Lit.
EMGA Meat container 300*190*80 mm Black
Meat container 300*190*80 mm Black
EMGA Meat container 290*160*60 mm Black
Meat container 290*160*60 mm Black
EMGA Meat container 280*420*60 mm Black
Meat container 280*420*60 mm Black
EMGA Meat container 350*250*40 mm Black
Meat container 350*250*40 mm Black
EMGA Meat container 290*160*35 mm Black
Meat container 290*160*35 mm Black
EMGA Meat container 190*150*40 mm Black
Meat container 190*150*40 mm Black
EMGA Stainless steel meat container 46*28*8.0 cm
Stainless steel meat container 46*28*8.0 cm
EMGA Meat container stainless steel 36*22*7.0 cm
Meat container stainless steel 36*22*7.0 cm
EMGA Stainless steel meat container 30*20*6.5 cm
Stainless steel meat container 30*20*6.5 cm
EMGA Meat tray Art st. 18(H)*40*65
Meat tray Art st. 18(H)*40*65
EMGA Meat tray Art st. 12(H)*60*40
Meat tray Art st. 12(H)*60*40
EMGA White waste container Ø 54 cm - 35 liters
White waste container Ø 54 cm - 35 liters
EMGA Waste container White Ø 51 cm - 30 Liters
Waste container White Ø 51 cm - 30 Liters
EMGA Waste container White Ø 44 cm - 20 Litres
Waste container White Ø 44 cm - 20 Litres
EMGA White waste container Ø 38 cm - 15 liters
White waste container Ø 38 cm - 15 liters
EMGA White waste container Ø 35 cm - 10 liters
White waste container Ø 35 cm - 10 liters
EMGA Waste container White 8 Liters
Waste container White 8 Liters
EMGA Residual container Plastic White 12L
Residual container Plastic White 12L
EMGA Residual container Plastic White 8L
Residual container Plastic White 8L
EMGA Residual container Plastic White 6L
Residual container Plastic White 6L
EMGA Residual container Plastic White 3L
Residual container Plastic White 3L
EMGA Residual container Plastic White 2L
Residual container Plastic White 2L
EMGA Residual container Caddy Plastic 4 Pieces.
Residual container Caddy Plastic 4 Pieces.